canvas of my life

while I was desperately trying to find you I lost myself in spite of never finding who I really was all the sleepless nights thinking of you all the tears falling down my broken face all the memories I owned of you just made up in my head imagination of perfection more mistakes you had, more I wanted you my heart was full of that although you were never there you were never mine and still I was loved so many times however I coudn't give it back I couln't love you back cause I have no inside even if I tried and oh God, maybe I really tried sometimes the hate is just hidden love such a beautiful lie I hate you, I love you you know what really hurts? this shitty sentence " I don't fucking mind"! I don't care how you are more I say it, more I lie to myself and I wanna know how does it feel to die how many people loved me? so many so many even I don't get it how many I loved back? noone instead I am fucking ashamed of this m...