dead love

Have you ever died when somebody fell in love with you?
Actually, it happened once to me, as far as I can remember. It was a day like others, nothing special happened. I considered it as an ordinary day, until I met you. It was you, who brightened this shady day. You, standing in front of me, looking into my eyes, like you wanted to ask a question. You didn't, maybe you were scared of me, of my eyes and what you saw in them at the moment, so I just left without a word, without an answer.
Although I noticed you before, I never cared. I didn't care about anyone until you came to my life. My shy blue eyes had never connected to anyones before. Since that day, the day like no other, my heart was secretly gently touched.
I often found myself thinking of you, imagining what it would be like if you were in love with me. It was not like before. I had a desire to see you, and when I didn't, I was dissapoited and sad. Although I met you next day, I was cold, acted like I didn't recognize you, however I was happy inside, but I didn't show it. That's what I regret most. Maybe if I told you, how I feel when I see you, something would happen. And so I may be afraid, so I run away, wishing to run to you. And as I run, something dies in me repeatedly. I hope there will still be an opportunity to turn back and run to you. You are the reason that I live and die. Please don't let me die again.

How I feel.


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