Interview with a soul

Dear soul, when was the first time you realized that you are completely alone?
- Actually I found out when I wasn't physically lonely, not at all. It was day like others, however when we talked, I felt something strange, something like emptiness, the one it's hard to describe. It's different kind of pain, existing in my mind and heart, embracing all my body, all my soul. I can clearly say Emptiness is feeling of Nothing, but you can not describe "nothing", can you. 
So you talked and I wished to be dead, because I didn't feel alive. That was the moment. I am alone even if I'm not.
How did you feel than?
- I just wanted to sit in the corner, embrace my knees and cry. I tried to cry, when I was really alone, but nothing happened, not a single teardrop came out. Do you want to know how does it look like, when you are empty inside? You just walk down the street for nothing,looking into emptiness, almost not breathing, crying and shouting inside, being like a narcoman to people passing by. Oh those sad, empty eyes, although full of something strong.
How do I feel? I feel like I'm watching movie made of my memories. My heart bursts again and again. All the death, all the sadness, all the sad crying people I used to know, they used to know me. How can anyone know me, when I have no idea who I am, and what more, who I was. 

It's a feeling when I think I can't take a breathe.
Do you think it's possible to fill this emptiness?
- I don't, but I wish it was. There must be a way out of loneliness. I want a way out of loneliness.


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Interview with a soul III